3 Powerful Secrets to Heal Broken Trust in Your Marriage

... even if you think your relationship is beyond repair.

Inside This Exclusive Free Masterclass,

You'll Discover:

  • … the biggest mistakes that couples make when they are trying to handle undisclosed secrets and broken trust

  • … how I turned around a 30 year unhappy marriage in a few weeks from feeling hopeless to rediscovering their love for each other

  • … the 4 biggest red flags of gaslighting and what you can do to avoid that in your marriage

  • the key to approaching the subject of infidelity as partners, which will be your only chance of turning your marriage around if secrets are present in your marriage

"Hats off to you. Your relationship advice is the most refreshing, on point, pull no punches advice I have seen. Seriously Dave, you're fantastic at this."

Joshua M.

"I wish I would have known you years ago. Your posts are awakening and an inspiration. Gives one a direction and ambition to work on oneself to be a better partner and avoid the traps that cause issues. Thank you!"

Steve C.

"I felt like You understood exactly what I was feeling...I was so lost and it gave me direction to move forward..."

Kathy S.

Meet Your Masterclass Host

Hi, my name is Dave Worthen.

After over 40 years of coaching couples I found the best step-by-step approach to handle broken trust in any relationship.

I have successfully saved over a thousand marriages and I continue to do so by teaching and coaching couples on how to handle everything from infidelity and gaslighting to improving their communication so that you can have an open, honest relationship with your spouse or partner.

I have written 2 books on the subject of relationships and it is my mission to educate couples on relationships. I spent years learning and developing the method I am about to show you for free.

As An Added Bonus, You'll Also Receive...

My word by word script of what to say and what not to say

if you suspect your partner has betrayed your trust

This masterclass-exclusive guide is going to give you an instant guidance on how to approach this subject without ending up with huge fights.

Did you know that the words you use, and your approach in this situation could be the make or break point? Without you being able to communicate the right way, it's very hard to get a straight answer from the other person. That's why I want to give you something that helps you immediately. Make sure you show up live to this training and I will give you access to this guide.

This Free Training Is For You If:

  • Your spidey senses are telling you that something is off but your partner is not willing to talk about it

  • You are worried that you are being gaslighted and don’t know what is right or wrong any more

  • You are being told that you are crazy and too controlling and this situation is in your head

  • Your partner ends up blowing up every time you bring up the subject

  • Maybe you already know that your partner has broken your trust and you don’t know if there is a way back from this point

  • If you don’t know if your relationship is worth fighting and you are in doubt

  • You want to fight for your relationship and improve, because you love your partner and you want to make this work

Answers to All Your Burning FAQs...

When exactly is this training going to be held?

This Live Event was offered on April 3rd & 4th, HOWEVER...

If you register today, I will send you instant access to the replay, which will be available for you to watch at your convenience until Thursday, April 11th

How long is this training going to be?

The planned time of the training is 60 minutes, there is a window of an extra 30 min allowed for the Q&A. I will personally answer any questions you have about the subject.

Does this training cost anything?

There is no obligations with the training, this training is free of charge. 

What can I expect to get out of this training?

If your marriage is in trouble you will see that this is the most important lecture you can attend all year! Handling your marriage affects all aspects of your life. I have helped hundreds of professionals become successful in life through handling their situation at home.

You can expect to gain more certainty, confidence and clarity about yourself and your relationship. You will also see the way to rebuild and restore trust in your marriage or relationship.  

© Dave Worthen Couples Coaching. All Rights Reserved.